Introducing itsgisselx3

Hello readers!

I realize that my first post is long overdue, and I apologize for that. Similar to many people, I’m sure, I couldn’t figure out what in the world to make my first post about. I also couldn’t figure out if my first post had to set the tone for every post that would follow. In the end, I have decided to make this first post an introduction about me. Why not, right? I’ll figure out future posts as I go.

To start off, I am Gissel Gonzalez. I currently live in South Texas…which is not San Antonio. I’ve come to understand that a lot of Texans who live nowhere near the Rio Grande Valley believe San Antonio is South Texas. If you thought Texas was big before, you’re in for a surprise. Let me be the first to tell you that you’re missing a whole other part of Texas. South Texas is located about 45 minutes away from one the Mexican border. I was born in Manhattan, NY, but my parents moved to this area of Texas when I was six months old and so this is where I grew up. I am Dominican-American. Both of my parents were born in the Dominican Republic, as were their parents and so on. While I can’t speak too much Spanish, I am very proud of the country and the culture. My immediate family consists of my mother and my father, my sister who is the oldest, and my brother who is the middle child. Just in case it wasn’t clear, that makes me the youngest.

We’re a charming group of people.

In December 2015, I received a Bachelor of Arts in English at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. I transferred to Texas State from the University of Texas – Pan American after my first year in college. I graduated a semester late, which I am still kind of bitter about, but I can’t complain. On another day, I’ll talk about how attending school at Texas State and living in San Marcos were three and a half of the best and hardest years of my life — I do realize I’ve only lived almost 23 years but a lot can happen in that amount of time.

I am currently living at home with my parents. My original goal was to move to New York after graduation to pursue a career as a writer and editor. My mother got sick in November, and I changed my plans to move home so that I could take care of her. I no longer have a game plan as far as work or leaving Texas goes. I devote all of my time to my mother and I will do so until I know she is better again, which will take a while. There isn’t much to do in South Texas, but I do what I can to stay entertained. I can discuss hobbies and things in another post on a later date as well.

As far as introductions go, I believe that’s all I’ve got to say. I know it’s a pretty big introduction, but I wanted to get all of that out of the way now. I promise to try to make future posts somewhat interesting. I can’t promise humor but I’ll definitely try. I’ve been told once or twice that I’m funny, so here’s to hoping it transfers to my blog.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and I hope you have a great day/evening.

Gissel ❤️