Rant about Brexit

Rant about Brexit

Everyone is in a frenzy over Britain leaving the European Union, and I don’t just mean Europeans. People all over the world are in shock that the vote to leave the EU was 51-49, leaving being the majority. But do people have a right to be so surprised and upset?

Surprised, maybe not. Upset, absolutely.

I, for one, am very annoyed and frustrated with the final count. How could half of Great Britain vote to leave the EU when they are the people who told Scotland to stay with GB because they would have a huge economic downfall if they left? The value of British currency has already fallen down a large amount, the most since the late 1980s apparently.

And all money issues aside, I’ve been informed that GB leaving the EU is because of immigration. I didn’t even know immigration was a problem over there until all of this Brexit nonsense! I will never understand how people are so against people from other countries entering their country. I live in a city right by the Mexican border, nearly everyone I knew in primary and secondary school was related to an immigrant. Honestly, immigration makes the world go round. And the fact that 51% of people would rather run their country to the ground than let immigrants be a part of their population is beyond stupid.

I know people who live in England and who have built a life there and work there and they’re afraid they might have to leave the country because of this.

And what’s worse is the United States is headed in the same direction! Donald Trump basically said so himself, if he gets elected, and as much as I hate to say it, it’s kind of looking like he will be. And the guy who’s probably going to be elected the new Prime Minister in the UK looks like Donald Trump’s British cousin! I’m not even exaggerating.

I’m just so angry that this is what’s going on with the world. And as much as the younger generation tries to change things because it is their (our) future, the older generation continuously gets in the way. Just because it’s their “right” to vote doesn’t mean they should. And of course, I don’t mean that about every older person in the world, but I do mean it about the prejudice ones who refuse to accept that the world has changed. People are dying and all they care about is their stupid early 20th century views.

Everything going on in 2016 angers me so much and there’s nothing I can do about it.

(Featured image taken from aljazeera.com)

The pet (peeve) I never asked for

I think my biggest pet peeve (at least lately) might be people telling me how to live my life.

I have been unemployed for six months now (yes, I hate it), because I am acting as my mother’s caretaker for the time being. Nearly everyone I have spoken to in the past six months already knows this. And I think my unemployment makes people feel as though they can tell me what to do with my time.

Now, I understand some people are just trying to help, but these people have already given me their advice. I don’t need it again.

I realize this is making me sound like a horrible person, and I truly believe I am not a horrible person, but I can’t help but get annoyed. There have been so many people who continuously ask me what I want to do with my life, to which I have always answered nicely (even if I had already gave them the answer more than once before). And as soon as I tell people I want to be a writer, it seems as though they feel like they know everything there is to know about writing.

Excuse me, but if writing was that easy, why in the world aren’t they off writing their own books and articles and blog posts? EXACTLY. Writing is a lot harder than it seems, and I’m sure everyone on WordPress already knows that.

And don’t get me wrong, I still love to write…when I can actually get the words out on (virtual) paper. Anyway, that wasn’t the point.

These people tell me I need to start writing my novel now since I have all the time in the world! Of course, I don’t actually, because I’m taking care of my mother, which they know, but that doesn’t matter apparently. Then they tell me to take  up freelance writing. I have known about freelance writing since middle school. I don’t need more people telling me to do it when I’m already telling myself everyday that I need to get on the ball. And then people tell me I need just go out and get a job. As if it is so easy!

I feel as though I’ve been hearing about how hard it’ll be to get a job in writing since I was in middle school, maybe high school. Everyone used to tell me getting my bachelors in English wouldn’t be the best because I’d have a hard time finding a job. And now everyone has decided it must not be that easy so why in the world aren’t I out looking for a job?

Did I mention I’m taking care of my mother? Yes. Yes, I did. Several times.

I just don’t understand how so many people — family, friends, friend’s families — feel like they can tell me what to do with my life. I am a responsible, intelligent human being. I know what my options are. I know finding a job six months after getting a B.A. is harder. I know. So why doesn’t everyone else know I know even when I tell them so?